I guess I haven't had much time to think about posting my thoughts here. I do have a few random thoughts to share.

The one constant that we all have, is time. We all place different values on it. Everyone starts out with the same count, and it doesn't accrue. You can spend yours how you want. Some people choose to spend it on career. Some choose to spend it on family. Some choose to waste it. Any way you look at it, we all gain the same number of seconds in a day, and we all spend the same number of minutes each hour.
Looking back on how you spent your time should be a positive experience. Wondering how things would have turned out if you had just done one thing differently will not change the past. Those seconds and minutes are gone. You do have a full day of seconds right ahead of you, just like everyone else. Think about what you would like to do with those seconds and minutes.
Make the choices that you would look back and be pleased with once those seconds are gone.