I had done what I thought was the proper thing of setting my alarm clock back one hour for daylight savings time "fall back". When we woke up on Sunday morning I thought "it sure is awfully bright outside for 7:20 a.m." Well, it turns out that if you change the time backwards on a clock, and the clock automatically adjusts for daylight savings time, then you wake up at 7:20 a.m. when it is actually 8:20 a.m.
So, we missed getting up in time to get to church for our usual service. We hadn't had a "slow Sunday" morning in a very long time. We had breakfast and watched a couple of shows we had recorded.
The sun was shining, which hadn't happened for most of the month of October. We saw stats on the news last night that October in Fort Worth was the cloudiest in recorded history. I looked at the remote thermometer and it was showing 75 outside. What a perfect morning for a motorcycle ride.
I got the bike warmed up, put all my safety gear on, and put in earbuds to listed to the mp3 player on my phone. The riding music for this morning would be the album "The Legend of Johnny Cash".

The ride was so perfect and the weather beautiful. I started the music before I left the house and just let the album play continuously on the ride.
What came together in a wonderful moment of timing was the song "Sunday Morning Coming Down" playing while I was riding on one of the most beautiful stretches of road. Slow winding turns through red and golden leafed trees running along the country road.

What a relaxing and rejuvenating morning.